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Membership Criteria

The National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) promotes and conducts literary, educational, and charitable activities in the fields of Letters, Art, and Music. It encourages the production of creative work in these areas and provides its members with literary, educational and inspirational material through The Pen Woman.  In addition, it honors the accomplishments of its members through competitions and biennial awards.

Particularly noteworthy are opportunities for members of all ages and degrees of experience to gain enriching perspectives from the multi-faceted activities and achievements of their colleagues. The creative interaction and camaraderie  between Sarasota Pen Women serves as an inspiration resulting in collective advancement.


“Art” Applicant Requirements

Submit three (3) samples (slides or photos) of work produced and shown in at least three jury selected exhibitions within the past five years, plus proof of sales.

“Letter” Applicant Requirements

Submit at least three (3) examples or xeroxed copies of published work or one book length sample. Include proof of sales within the past five years. If the book is self-published, proof of professional quality of the writing must be submitted (such as reviews and endorsements by qualified literary or education related persons), plus proof of sales.

“Music”Applicant Requirements

Submit three (3) original, published or unpublished compositions and/or arrangements completed within the past five years. Include proof of payment for at least one professionally published composition or arrangement. An arrangement is defined as an adaptation of a composition to a different form than was originally written.

Associate  Membership

May be acquired by women meeting all requirements for active membership except that proof of payment for work does not exist. Associate members do not have voting privileges.

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